Author Archives: kpduffy

Browser Debates

Opera is and alternate browser that gets little airplay. We don’t have it on our lab computers but I use it to debug websites I’m building (along with Chrome, firefox, and safari). Its available for free download —

Presentations for Monday

Mockups: Are your composition sketches and represent how you intend the site to look and function, and how a viewer will navigate it.

Include pixel widths and info that will help us understand it and you to code it.

These must be printed in color. 


Diagrams: This is your boxes inside of boxed diagram of your site—you are grouping and dividing content as you anticipate styling in CSS. This will be your coding road map.

This can be hand drawn (must be legible) or made in Illustrator. 


These documents will be critiqued monday. The more resolved your mock up, the better your feedback will be—give us enough to thoroughly understand exactly what you intend to make.

That said, these documents are fluid, subject to change based on our critical assessment during your presentations.